Module vkapi

This module is a simple synchronous/asynchronous wrapper for the API.

API object initialization

# Synchronous VK API
let api = newVkApi()
# Asynchronous VK API
let asyncApi = newAsyncVkApi()
# If you want to provide a token instead of login and password,
# pass the token as an argument:
let api = newVkApi(token="your token")


Authorization is actually done with the OAuth API and uses secret key and client ID of VK iPhone client.

api.login("your login", "your password")
# You can login if you have 2-factor authentication as well
api.login("your login", "your password", "your 2fa code")
# Async authorization
waitFor asyncApi.login("login", "password")

Synchronous VK API usage

echo api.request("friends.getOnline")
echo api.request("fave.getPosts", {"count": "1"}.newTable)
echo api.request(
  "", {
    "friends_only": "1",
    "message": "Hello world from nim-lang"

This module also has a @ macro, which can make API requests shorter and look more "native".

Don't forget that this macro DOES NOT actually check if argument types or names are correct!

echo api@friends.getOnline()
echo api@fave.getPosts(count=1), message="Hello world from nim-lang")

Asynchronous VK API usage

import asyncdispatch

echo waitFor asyncApi.request("wall.get", {"count": "1"}.toApi)
echo waitFor asyncApi@wall.get(count=1)


VkApiBase[HttpType] = ref object
  token*: string               ## VK API token
  version*: string             ## VK API version
  client: HttpType
VK API object base
VkApi = VkApiBase[HttpClient]
VK API object for doing synchronous requests
AsyncVkApi = VkApiBase[AsyncHttpClient]
VK API object for doing asynchronous requests
VkApiError = object of Exception
VK API Error
VkAuthError = object of Exception


ApiVer = "5.85"
Default API version


proc newVkApi(token = ""; version = ApiVer): VkApi {...}{.
    raises: [Exception, SslError, OSError, IOError],
    tags: [RootEffect, ReadDirEffect].}
Initialize VkApi object.
  • token - your VK API access token
  • version - VK API version
  • url - VK API url
proc newAsyncVkApi(token = ""; version = ApiVer): AsyncVkApi {...}{.
    raises: [Exception, SslError, OSError, IOError],
    tags: [RootEffect, ReadDirEffect].}
Initialize AsyncVkApi object.
  • token - your VK API access token
  • version - VK API version
  • url - VK API url
proc login(api: AsyncVkApi; login, password: string; twoFactorCode = "";
          scope = AuthScope): Future[void] {...}{.raises: [FutureError],
    tags: [RootEffect, TimeEffect, ReadIOEffect].}
Login in VK using login and password (optionally 2-factor code)
  • api - VK API object
  • login - VK login
  • password - VK password
  • code - if you have 2-factor auth, you need to provide your 2-factor code
  • scope - authentication scope, default is "all"

Example of usage:

let api = newVkApi()
api.login("your login", "your password")
echo api@users.get()
proc login(api: VkApi; login, password: string; twoFactorCode = ""; scope = AuthScope) {...}{.raises: [
    HttpRequestError, SslError, OSError, IOError, Exception, TimeoutError,
    ProtocolError, KeyError, OverflowError, ValueError, JsonParsingError, VkAuthError],
    tags: [ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect, RootEffect, TimeEffect].}
Login in VK using login and password (optionally 2-factor code)
  • api - VK API object
  • login - VK login
  • password - VK password
  • code - if you have 2-factor auth, you need to provide your 2-factor code
  • scope - authentication scope, default is "all"

Example of usage:

let api = newVkApi()
api.login("your login", "your password")
echo api@users.get()
proc toApi(data: openArray[tuple[key, val: string]]): StringTableRef {...}{.raises: [],
    tags: [].}
Shortcut for newStringTable to create arguments for request call
proc request(api: AsyncVkApi; name: string; params = newStringTable()): Future[JsonNode] {...}{.
    discardable, raises: [FutureError],
    tags: [RootEffect, TimeEffect, ReadIOEffect].}
Main method for VK API requests.


  • params - StringTable with parameters
  • return - returns response as JsonNode object
echo api.request("friends.getOnline")
echo api.request("fave.getPosts", {"count": "1"}.toApi), message="Hello world from nim-lang!")
proc request(api: VkApi; name: string; params = newStringTable()): JsonNode {...}{.
    discardable, raises: [Exception, ValueError, JsonParsingError, HttpRequestError,
                        SslError, OSError, IOError, TimeoutError, ProtocolError,
                        KeyError, OverflowError, VkApiError],
    tags: [ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect, RootEffect, TimeEffect].}
Main method for VK API requests.


  • params - StringTable with parameters
  • return - returns response as JsonNode object
echo api.request("friends.getOnline")
echo api.request("fave.getPosts", {"count": "1"}.toApi), message="Hello world from nim-lang!")


macro `@`(api: VkApi | AsyncVkApi; body: untyped): untyped

@ macro gives you the ability to make API calls using much more easier syntax

This macro is transformed into request call with parameters

Also this macro checks if provided method name is valid, and gives suggestions if it's not

Some examples:

echo api@friends.getOnline()
echo api@fave.getPosts(count=1, offset=50)