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This library is a relatively small (<500 cloc) mathematical expression evaluator library written in Nim.

The implementation is a simple recursive-descent evaluator.

It only depends on the stdlib (mostly on the math module), and works on all official Nim backends including JavaScript and in the VM

There's a lot of predefined math functions and some constants, and of course you can define custom ones.

Most of the library usage can be shown in this code example:

import mathexpr
# Create a new evaluator instance
# All custom variables and math functions are bound to this evaluator
# so you could have different evaluators with different vars/functions
let e = newEvaluator()

echo e.eval("((4 - 2^3 + 1) * -sqrt(3*3+4*4)) / 2") # 7.5
# Add some variables to our Evaluator object
e.addVars({"a": 5.0})
echo e.eval("+5^+3+1.1 + a") # 131.1
# Variables with the same name overwrite the old ones
e.addVars({"a": 1.0, "b": 2.0})
echo e.eval("a + b") # 3

# Define our custom function which returns
# 25 multiplied by all arguments it got
proc myFunc(args: seq[float]): float =
  result = 25
  for arg in args:
    result *= arg

e.addFunc("work", myFunc)
echo e.eval("work(1, 2, 3) + 5") # 25*1*2*3 + 5 = 155

# Define a custom function which only accepts two arguments
proc test(a: seq[float]): float =
  a[0] + a[1]

e.addFunc("test", test, 2)
echo e.eval("test(1, 5)") # 6

# In some places parentheses and commas are optional:
echo e.eval("work(1 2 3) + 5") # 155
echo e.eval("sqrt 100 + 5") # 15

eval can return NaN or Inf for some inputs, such as 0/0, or 1/0, see src/tests.nim for more info

What is supported?

Supported operators include +, -, /, *, %, ^, <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=

Implemented mathematical functions:

  • abs(x) - the absolute value of x
  • acos(x) or arccos(x) - the arccosine (in radians) of x
  • asin(x) or arcsin(x) - the arcsine (in radians) of x
  • atan(x) or arctan(x) or arctg(x) - the arctangent (in radians) of x
  • atan2(x, y) or arctan2(x, y) - the arctangent of the quotient from provided x and y
  • ceil(x) - the smallest integer greater than or equal to x
  • cos(x) - the cosine of x
  • cosh(x) - the hyperbolic cosine of x
  • deg(x) - converts x in radians to degrees
  • exp(x) - the exponential function of x
  • sgn(x) - the sign of x
  • sqrt(x) - the square root of x
  • sum(x, y, z, ...) - sum of all passed arguments
  • fac(x) - the factorial of x
  • floor(x) - the largest integer not greater than x
  • ln(x) - the natural log of x
  • log(x) or log10(x) - the common logarithm (base 10) of x
  • log2(x) - the binary logarithm (base 2) of x
  • max(x, y, z, ...) - biggest argument from any number of arguments
  • min(x, y, z, ...) - smallest argument from any number of arguments
  • ncr(x, y) or binom(x, y) - the the number of ways a sample of y elements can be obtained from a larger set of x distinguishable objects where order does not matter and repetitions are not allowed
  • npr(x, y) - the number of ways of obtaining an ordered subset of y elements from a set of x elements
  • rad(x) - converts x in degrees to radians
  • pow(x, y) - the x to the y power
  • sin(x) - the sine of x
  • sinh(x) - the hyperbolic sine of x
  • tg(x) or tan(x) - the tangent of x
  • tanh(x) - the hyperbolic tangent of x

Predefined constants

  • pi - The circle constant (Ludolph's number)
  • tau - The circle constant, equals to 2 * pi
  • e - Euler's number

Operators in more detail

Following table shows order of evaluation of various operators, lower the precedence - sooner it shall be evaluated.

1Exponentiation ^
2Unary + and -
3Multiplication/division *, /, %
4Addition/substraction +, -
5Less than/Greater than comparison <, <=, >, >=
6Exact comparison ==, !=

Notes on comparison:

  • Comparison operators return a float value, 0.0 for false and 1.0 for true
  • Every number in mathexpr is a float. Comparing floats exactly is a bit problematic due to precision, so difference less than 0.0001 makes 2 numbers equal by mathexpr's standards.


Evaluator = ref object
Main instance of the math evaluator Source   Edit  
MathFunction = proc (args: seq[float]): float
Type of the procedure definition for custom math functions Source   Edit  


proc addFunc(e: Evaluator; name: string; fun: MathFunction; argCount = -1) {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Adds custom function fun with the name name to the evaluator e which will then be available inside of all following e.eval() calls.

argCount specifies the number of arguments this function is allowed to be called with. If it is -1, the function will be able to be called with one or more arguments, otherwise - only with argCount arguments.

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proc addVar(e: Evaluator; name: string; val: float) {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
Adds a constant with the name name to the evaluator e Source   Edit  
proc addVars(e: Evaluator; vars: openArray[(string, float)]) {....raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Adds all constants from the vars openArray to the evaluator e


let e = newEvaluator()
e.addVars({"a": 3.0, "b": 5.5})
assert e.eval("a ^ a + b") == 32.5
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proc eval(e: Evaluator; input: string): float {....raises: [ValueError, Exception],
    tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}

Evaluates a math expression from input and returns result as float

Can raise an exception if input is invalid or an overflow occured

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proc newEvaluator(): Evaluator {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Creates a new evaluator instance for evaluating math expressions

There's no limit on the number of evaluator instances, and all functions and math procedures are local to the current instance

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proc removeFunc(e: Evaluator; name: string) {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Removes function with the name name from the evaluator e Source   Edit  
proc removeVar(e: Evaluator; name: string) {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Removes the specified constant with the name name from the evaluator e Source   Edit